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Pain, Pleasure, and Lies: An Urban Romance Thriller Page 2
Pain, Pleasure, and Lies: An Urban Romance Thriller Read online
Page 2
I knew my cousin far too well. Her tone was the same one she normally used with her clients when she was selling them on why a particular piece of property was a wise investment. She was up to something.
“Why are you so eager for me to meet new people?”
“Not people… Diandre.”
“I met him through Blu. He’s come over to the house a few times for meetings. He has a job making good money, he’s a home owner, and very down to earth. But what’s most important is that he’s single.”
“And how do you know all of this?”
“I have my ways,” she said and chuckled.
“Well, I’m sure he’s a nice guy and all, but I’m not ready to meet someone right now.”
“Just do me a favor and meet him. What do you have to lose?”
“Shit, my sanity. The wound is still fresh. I’d bring all sorts of baggage with me.”
“Dezzy, it’s not like you have to commit to the man tomorrow. Is there any harm in meeting up with him?”
“Nope, because I ain’t doin’ it.”
“Do it for me. I won’t ask you to do anything else, and I’ll owe you one.”
“Why are you being so persistent, Camille?”
“Because I already told the man you would be over here later this evening—“
“You did what?”
“I know. I know. You can kill me later. But in the meantime, I think it would be good for you to get out of the house. Don’t make a liar out of me. Love you. I’ve gotta go. Bye!”
She gave me the quick click, hanging up before I could respond. I was about to call her back when the incident at the restaurant crossed my mind. It was then that I decided the least I could do was think about it. Maybe my cousin was on to something. After all, what harm was there in being friendly?
Now that Camille had woke me up, there was no sense in trying to go back to sleep. While my original plan was to sleep in since I didn’t have any clients until the afternoon, I went ahead and got up. A sistah had shit to do. I pulled myself out of bed and headed over to my closet. I scanned my clothes repeatedly, attempting to select a casual but sexy outfit. I hadn’t made up my mind on whether or not I’d show up to Camille’s house, but I decided to be ready just in case. I opted for ripped, dark denim jeans, which fit my size 8 frame nicely and showed off my assets with a white, quarter-length sleeve tee that showed a little mid-drift. I topped the outfit off with a pair of red pumps. I laid the ensemble on my bed along with the gold accessories I’d chosen to wear and put the pumps underneath the outfit on the floor before heading to the bathroom.
I stood in the shower and let the water hit me in my face. I tried to live my life with no regrets, but I couldn’t help beating myself up thinking about how I’d ignored all the red flags. The signs were there, but I didn’t want to believe them. I turned my back to the strong stream and lifted my chin, allowing the water to run through my long, thick coils. I maneuvered my fingers through my hair and relaxed as the water ran down my back. Moments later, I grabbed the showerhead and moved the stream methodically over my body. When the stream landed on the spot between my thighs, an intense sensation came over me. Before long, I adjusted the showerhead, lifted one foot up onto the edge of the bathtub and used my spare hand to separate the lips that yearned to be touched. As the water hit the spot just right, I moaned, and my body began to quiver. I cried as I realized I had been with a man for eight years, and during the latter part of the relationship, I often had to please myself.
I didn’t know what I’d done to attract such a fucked up relationship into my life. I only hoped it would never happen again.
Even though my work day hadn’t officially started, I still had work related errands to run. I needed to make some deposits at the bank and purchase supplies for the salon. I was able to get in and out of the bank with little hassle. I wasn’t so lucky at the beauty supply store. As I searched for hair needles and weave thread, I overheard a conversation on the next aisle. Normally, I wouldn’t eavesdrop and would instead mind my own business but this conversation involved people I knew.
“Girl, yes. Keisha from West Oakland. She caught Rodney in her bed with some chick and snapped!”
“Can you blame her? I would have done the same thing. Everybody knows Rodney ain’t no good. It was only a matter of time before he got caught. He got sloppy with it, and shit got real.”
“I know, right? Keisha and that fool have dated for years. Everyone knows she is crazy about him.”
“She needs to chill out, though. She’s quick to pop off at the mouth. One of these days, her attitude is going to come back to haunt her.”
I listened and rolled my eyes in disgust. It amazed me how so many people immersed themselves in business that didn’t concern them. While most of what the girls were saying was true, it wasn’t their business to discuss. I made a mental note to call Keisha later. Rumors were flying about her personal business, and she deserved to know. I grabbed the supplies I needed along with a few additional items, made my purchase, and went on my way.
I amazed myself. At times like today, my salon was so busy that I hadn’t had an opportunity to eat anything. I was barely able to squeeze in bathroom breaks. Fortunately, my faithful client and close friend, Robyn, made sure I was taken care of. While waiting to be seen, she left to grab something to eat. She returned with Chinese food and had enough food to feed a family of four. She was carrying twins and definitely seized the opportunity to eat any and everything she wanted. Robyn was my last client of the day. This allowed me an opportunity to eat after I finished the client I was working on, which is exactly what I did. Once I had consumed enough food to get my energy level back up, I was ready to get Robyn taken care of.
While I worked on her hair, she updated me on all the latest drama between her and her boyfriend. Listening to the happenings in her life, my life didn’t seem as chaotic anymore. Secretly, I believed Robyn enjoyed all the stress because, despite everything Trevell did, she continued to stay with him. It was either that or she simply didn’t know how to leave. She could do much better. She was an all around sweet person when she didn’t allow her mouth to get her into trouble, and she was very attractive. Trevell was the first man to put it on her, and since then, she hadn’t given anyone else the time of day.
“Girl, I’ll be so happy when I have these babies. I’m getting fat, and Trevell ain’t really wanting me like he used to.”
“Robyn please, you are far from fat.”
“Dezzy, do you know how long it’s been since I had an orgasm?”
“Oh please, let’s not go there.”
“Zereck, ain’t taking care of business?”
“Zereck who?”
“Girl, what happened?”
“Long story.”
“I have time!”
“I don’t!” I laughed. “You’re finished and I am past ready to go.”
“I’ll call you later on tonight. I have to hear this.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
I didn’t feel like reliving the moment for the millionth time so I would be sure not to answer that call.
Once I cleaned my station and locked up, it was 7:30. I was tired, but it was too early to go home on a Saturday night. I contemplated going by Lee’s house since I was around the corner, but she’d already started her shift at the hospital. I was stalling and trying to think of any other place I could go so that I’d have an excuse not to go to Camille’s house.
I sat in the car collecting my thoughts. Everyone on East 14th Street, including the homeless people, seemed like they had somewhere to go. This was a damn shame. There was no reason for me to be sitting around feeling sorry for myself. I watched as a young couple walked past my car laughing and cuddling. It was in that moment that I started my engine. I drove down 55th Avenue until I reached MacArthur. I passed by Mills College and jumped on the MacArthur Freeway. It was time to move on.
br /> When I pulled up in front of Camille’s house, her car was the only one in the driveway. Good. I’d beaten him here. I checked my hair and make-up in the mirror and made the necessary adjustments. I was hoping for the best, but if this was a waste of my time, Camille was going to hear it.
“Ooh, don’t you look cute? I knew your ass wanted to get back into the dating game.”
“Please, I just got off work.”
“Whatever. Come on in.”
I talked to my cousin frequently, but I didn’t get to her house too often. When I did, I was always reminded of why I admired her so much. She made me proud. Real Estate was working out well for her, and she made sure she enjoyed the fruits of her labor. She had a beautiful home near Lake Merrit. Because she could afford it, she’d hired professional interior decorators to furnish the house. She always kept it nice, perhaps too nice because guests were afraid to touch anything. After removing my shoes at the door, I followed her down a mirrored hallway into the living room. She’d made some changes since the last time I was over, two months ago. The first change I noticed was the baby grand piano sitting in the corner.
“Camille, what’s that about? You know you can’t play the piano!”
“Girl, not even a little bit. Blu plays. It’s his.”
“You and Blu are getting pretty serious.”
“I like to think so, but his ass is still afraid of commitment.”
“What man isn’t?”
“You can say that again!”
“Have a seat, girl,” she gestured toward the couch. “Do you want a drink?”
“What do you have?”
“Too many to name. Maybe you should keep it simple. Have a little of something just to take the edge off. Want some Riesling?”
“That’s cool.”
“I’ll be right back.”
She left me alone in the living room while she went to pour me a glass of wine in the kitchen.
I was looking at Camille’s book collection when the doorbell rang. I heard Camille finish in the kitchen before she went to answer the door. I felt myself become nervous. My heart started pounding, and I would swear I could actually feel the blood rushing through my veins. I was mad at myself for getting all worked up behind someone I didn’t know. He could turn out to be everything wrong in a man. After all, Camille had only told me a little bit about him. She only insisted we meet because he was a catch. I held my breath as I heard two pairs of footsteps coming closer to the living room. I hurried and picked up a book to look as though I had been busy and was the least bit anxious. I was facing the window, so I didn’t see him when they came in.
“Dezzy,” Camille called out giggling, “This is Diandre.”
I knew she was laughing at my poor attempt at looking busy.
I turned to acknowledge him and was blown away. This man was flawless.
“And Diandre, this is Dezzy.”
His lips parted, revealing a beautiful smile.
“How you doin’, Dezzy?”
His voice was deep and smooth.
“I’m good. It’s nice to meet you, Diandre.”
He was dark chocolate with a muscular build. He stood about 6’2” which was compatible to my 5’3”. His eyes were big, brown, and hypnotizing. His lips were inviting. He was nicely groomed with a fresh fade, tapered goatee, and fashionably dressed. He wore a form-fitting, charcoal gray t-shirt with a black leather jacket, dark denim jeans, and black Timberland boots. I scoped his feet out to be size fourteen easily. Diandre presented himself as what I like to call a mannerable roughneck.
“Here’s your Riesling, Dezzy. Would you like something to drink, Diandre?”
“Do you have any Hennessey?”
Definitely a roughneck. I confirmed to myself.
“Yep, you are Blu’s boy. He should have some Hennessey left,” Camille replied.
She left the room to prepare his drink, and Diandre turned his attention back to me.
“What are you reading?”
“Oh, Camille has one of Terry McMillan’s books that I haven’t read yet. I was reading the jacket to see what it was about.”
“’A Day Late and a Dollar Short’,” he read the book as I held it in my hand. “That one was cool, but my favorite is ‘Disappearing Acts’.”
“You’re familiar with Terry McMillan?”
“I’ve read a few of her books. I have sisters,” he smiled again.
When he smiled, his whole face lit up.
“I’m a fan of hers. She’s the reason I started writing.”
“You’re an author?”
“Not officially. I like to write, but I haven’t published anything yet.”
“That’s what’s up.”
Camille came back long enough to give Diandre his drink then she was gone. I’m sure she was trying to give us time to get to know one another. I took my glass of wine and sat on the window seat. He grabbed a coaster and sat down at the piano.
“You play?”
“A little bit. Blu is the R&B singer with all the talent. I’m the man behind the music.
Oh, boy. Another one in the music industry, a warning voice in my head pointed out. Some of my excitement subsided, but I decided to give him a chance.
“A producer?”
“Yeah, I like to think of myself as one.”
“How long have you been in the business?”
“Are you trying to figure out my age?”
“No. I’d ask directly.”
“Seven years.”
“Age?” I asked, smiling.
“Twenty-nine. Too old?”
“Not at all.”
I sipped my Riesling, and Diandre effortlessly played random chords on the piano. He was in a zone as his fingers glided across the keys. I watched him closely while he did what he clearly loved. He stopped long enough to take a sip of Hennessey then continued playing. The song this time was familiar. We made eye contact as I recognized the song he was playing.
“Dangerously in Love,” I said and smiled.
“I figured you’d know that one. Y’all women love you some Beyoncé.”
He laughed and winked at me.
He was flirting. I liked it.
He finished the melody, picked up his glass, and turned around on the piano bench to face me.
“Now you have my undivided attention.”
His eyes locked with mine. His gaze was doing something to me. I blushed as I lifted my glass to my lips and peered out the window. I heard him chuckle. I think he was enjoying seeing me squirm.
“So are you going to stay across the room for the rest of the night?”
I turned my attention back to him. He tapped the free space on the bench, inviting me over. I inhaled deeply, walked the short distance, and took a seat.
“Much better,” he started. “Now tell me all about Dezzy.”
“What do you want to know?”
“Well…” I looked at my imaginary watch. “How much time do you have again?”
We shared a laugh.
“I’ll give you as much time as you need.”
He seemed genuinely interested in getting to know me. As we talked, I found myself becoming more comfortable with him. We swapped stories, and I learned that we had a lot in common. We discussed everything from hobbies to goals and everything in-between. Though we’d just met, it seemed like we went back years.
We were so wrapped up in one another that we hadn’t noticed that Blu had entered the room. His demeanor was similar to that of Diandre’s, nonchalant and serious at the same time. Blu walked over and gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Then he greeted Diandre. They brought their right hands together and pulled each other into a hug. They talked business for a moment then Diandre subtly told Blu he wasn’t there to see him. Blu looked back and forth between the two of us, and a smirk formed on his face. Taking the hint, he left to find Camille.
“Dezzy, do you want to get out o
f here and do something else?”
“What did you have in mind?”
“I’m down for whatever, baby.”
The game had begun. I was down to play.
“Lake Merrit is beautiful at night if you can get past the smell,” he continued.
“Sounds good. I can follow you in my car. Let me say goodbye to my cousin and then we can go.”
We lucked up on two parking spaces across from Gold’s Gym. It was colder than I’d thought it would be, and I wasn’t prepared. I didn’t have a jacket, so I attempted to warm up by hugging myself and rubbing my arms. Diandre saw that I was cold and removed his coat. He helped me put it on. He was slowly racking up brownie points.
“Thank you,” I said.
“No problem. I would feel bad if you got sick because of me.”
“What about you, though?”
“I’ll be alright. Besides, it gives me an excuse to get closer to you.” He winked at me and pulled me close. “You ready?”
I smiled and nodded my head then we began our stroll around the lake.
We talked about nothing in particular. We mainly enjoyed one another’s company. People kept looking at us together. One older man actually told us we were an attractive couple. I blushed, and Diandre didn’t bother to correct him. The moonlit, star-filled sky capped off my first romantic Saturday night in a long time. With all of our talking and laughing, it didn’t feel like we’d walked over a three-mile stretch. In fact, I didn’t realize we had until we were back in front of our cars.
“Well, Diandre I had a very nice time tonight.”
“Well, if you did, then why are you making things seem so final?”
“Not my intention at all.”
“Good. Is it safe to ask for your number?”
“Only if I can have yours in return.”
He handed me his business card. I held it in my hand as he walked me around to my car door. I took off his coat and handed it to him before getting in. Once inside, I started the engine and cranked up the heat before I rolled down the window.
“Good night, Diandre.”
“What about your number?”